Welcome to Zeteo, the Premier Recruiting Partner

At Zeteo, we take pride in helping organizations recruit the most talented employees. Our team of experienced recruiters is dedicated to finding the right fit for your company, no matter the industry or sector. We work with you to create a tailored recruiting strategy that meets your needs and delivers the highest quality talent. We understand that every organization is different and has different requirements. That's why we offer a wide range of recruiting services, from executive search and placement to recruitment marketing and employer branding. We also provide comprehensive support services to ensure a successful outcome for all parties involved.

We invite you to contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you find the perfect employees for your organization!


Created to Fill a Need 

Founded by Kyle Howard in 2022, Zeteo was created in order to restore credibility to staffing. He saw the ways in which standard agencies charged outrageous placement fees, provided spotty communication, and treated their clients like a number. Zeteo was his way of bucking that trend, and providing the quality and attention-to-detail that should be present when bringing in an agency. With his time recruiting for Fortune 500's, all the way to start-ups, internal recruiting and agency staffing, he wanted to leverage his knowledge and experiences in order to bring a superior staffing solution to all those who need it. Zeteo is for all who want to hire quality employees, in a timely manner, and without breaking the bank.